You should add a * - * relation between Order and Product. When saving the Order, retrieve all Products, with a constraint like [OrderRegel_Product/OrderRegel/OrderRegel_Order = $Order]. Then, set the value of the * - * relation to the set you have just retrieved. In the grid, you can now display all product names over this association, which Mendix will display as a comma separated list.
To fix your current problem (which is duplicating data), you should construct a string variable ($ConcatenatedProductNames) outside the loop. Then, in the loop, you add the product name to the string ($ConcatenatedProductNames + ' ' + $IteratorProduct/Name). After the loop, you set the value of your string attribute to the value of the string.
What happens in the 'OrderProducten' attribute in the change order action? Do you set the 'Orderproducten' attribute to the productnumber of the product in the iteration? Anyway; if I understand your goal correctly, you should change the orderproducten attribute in this loop to it's current value + the productnumber of the product in the iteration. In this way you will create a list.
Again, if I understand your goal correctly I don't think you will need to create the string variable before the loops and change it afterwards.
Is see the images are broken.
Here the domain model: Microflow:
You are now duplicating information in your domain model. A neater way to fix this would be to construct a page as follows:
Thanks for the help guys! Much appreciated!