403 error in cloud on mx 4.8.10

When I upgraded an app from 4.8.9 to 4.8.10 everything local went well. When deployed to the Mendix cloud, the landing page/login screen did not load. In Firebug I got the messages: "NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - https://e-order-test.mendixcloud.com/mxclientsystem/dojo/dojo.js" dojo.js "NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - https://e-order-test.mendixcloud.com/mxclientsystem/mxui/ui/mxui.css" mxui.css "NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - https://e-order-test.mendixcloud.com/mxclientsystem/mendix/mendix.js" Is there a change in the dojo framework or in the security settings from 4.8.9 to 4.8.10? Do I need to change things in my theme? Nothing was mentioned in the changelog about this. More people having issues with this?
1 answers

Solved by Mendix:

This was an issue with the way the mxclientsystem resources were unpacked on the application server. We fixed this issue for your case and all future deployments.
