No constructor found for LoginForm widget in Modeler 5.15.1

I'm new to Mendix and running the Introduction Course. In Section 9, Logging In, it says to download the LoginForm widget from the app store, create a login page, create a login Navigation item, set security for User role to access login, and finally log in as the administrator. I've been successful at all steps except the final one; when I click Sign In, I get the error "No constructor found for widget LoginForm.widget.LoginForm." In browsing the forums, I see that others had this issue in 5.13 but it has apparently been fixed -- however I'm running 5.15.1. I just downloaded the latest version of LoginForm today, so if there is a separate update for it, I don't know where to find it. And I've cleared the browser cache. Any ideas how to move forward?
3 answers


Try emptying your browser cache and see if that fixes this issue.



Emptying cache didn't work; deleting the Business Modeler and rebuilding the entire sample project did.

However, although I now can open the Login page, I get "The username or password you entered is incorrect" after entering the username/pw combo found in the Project/Security/Administrator tab. I believe I've followed all of the tutorial's instructions on configuring security settings. I'm running the app in the sandbox.

Any thoughts? I'd really like to complete the Introduction Course, but this is a blocker.


Have you set the access correctly for users in security correctly, does the Admin also have access?
