Mendix wont stop loading after uploading a File using System.FileDocument and System.Image generalizations

Dear Mendix, I have been working on a project that allows users with accounts to upload Images or videos (using the Audio/Video Playback widget from the App Store), onto a wall where all users are able to view it directly. At first it was working properly, I could upload a video/image and when I wanted to review the video/image post on the wall page, the browser would load fine (I used Firefox/Chrome/IE) and i was able to view the video/image from the wall. I committed the changes so that our team could update and test the changes. After committing the changes from when it last worked, I was able to run the project without any errors. However when I try uploading an Image/Video, it will upload with no error, but whenever I try to review the video/image on the wall, the browser will load the page but the Mendix "black and white" loading box will just stay there constantly loading. It will keep loading until I refresh the page and when i refresh, it will sometimes take me to the Wall/Home page (not always). Usually when the page is refreshed, after clicking any button on the page, it will load but then the Mendix loading box will show constantly until i have to refresh the page again. The console window inside the modeler does not show any errors while this happening. However I am able to delete all the uploaded the videos/images directly from the page by calling a microflow button that I put there. And in deleting all images/videos from the database, I don't encounter any problems (constant loading) after that . Sometimes i have to delete the database and re-run the modeler in order to create a new one because the project will start constantly loading straight after logging in, My team members who updated after I committed were able to test the project without experiencing the problem I have just described!. They are able to upload video/images and review them on the wall without encountering any constant loading. Here is a list of thing I have done in the hopes of resolving this problem: I have downloaded the project from team server a numerous amount of times, however i always ended up with the same problem above. I have also updated the the modeler version to from 5.8.1 to 5.15.1and i am still identified with the same issue. I have checked my microflows for any action instances where a page is shown and closed consecutively... but i have found none. I have even tried using a MSSQL-Server08 database instead of the built-in database but i am still facing the same problem. I have even tested the Audio/Video Playback widget inside another project, and i am able to upload and view the videos without experiencing any issues which means the widget cannot possibly be the cause of the problem. I have even double checked my associations(entity relationships) according to each entity and I have found nothing to change, if my team members are able to have it working on their main-lines, there is no need to make any further changes... I have also ensured all user roles have absolute access to all entities(hence security cannot be a cause of the issue either.) I'm sure the Mendix Forum has received multiple cases that are similar to this issue described from other users facing the same problem. My Questions are: Is there any information/feedback available as to what may be the technical cause of this problem? Out of the list revised above, are there any alternative solutions you could provide for resolving this problem? How is it possible that my team members who have updated the changes, are able to get the project working without confronting the issue I am experiencing? Could this possibly be a bug?
2 answers

My first suggestion would be to try a postgres database. The build in database is only for real small projects. For anything serious never use the build in database. MySQL is not so long on the support list, so it should work but I have no experience with such a database. Postgres is always the best option to try out new projects because the Mendix cloud also uses this database.




to: Pieter van de Braak Howzit Pieter,

I do get an error in the console: updatemendix.sys.Data.get: error in error handler for xpath //Wall.WallPost[Posted=true()] :mxuiwidgetDataView2.applyContext: Error: mxuiwidgetDataView3.applyContext: Error: AudioVideoPlaybackAudioVideoPlayback0.applyContext: TypeError: $(...).jPlayer is not a function (mendix.lib.XPathSource)

which looks like it may be a problem incurring from an Xpath constraint which I am using inside the webform which is somehow conflicting with the video playback widget,

Thank You
