Hi, We have converted our project from 4.5 to 5.12 and during our conversion we converted around 140 pages with collapsible panel into pages, by replacing collapsible panel into group box(as collapsible panel is not supported in 5.12), and also the pages associated with collapsible panel will be shown using snippets. Now the problem occurs when i run the project locally and try to login. After login i get this error "Server not found " in login page and in console get this error "EventAdmin: Exception during event dispatch [org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=com/mendix/events/runtime/beforeRunning] | [org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler] | Bundle(webui [91])] (bundle: webui, service: [org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler])" To find the issue i started converted pages one by one in a new project and then running locally and during this process(till three page conversion) i found the page which on being conversion throws the mentioned error and after that i renamed one attribute of persistent entity from one of the snippet from that page and the error was gone . But the problem is that there are 140 pages and which page will throw error and because of which attribute is very difficult to find this way. Please suggest me what to do