Hello all, I'm experiencing difficulties with getting a File Document to download on an Android tablet. I'm using a Microflow with a File Document Download action to download a PDF file linked to an object in a datagrid. This works fine on a desktop or iOS device, but gives problems on Android. When using Chrome on Android to utilize the application, everything works fine. The published application however gives an ERRFILENOT_FOUND. This happens with both "open in browser" enabled and disabled. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Koen van Tartwijk
2 answers
The difference between Mendix 5 and 6 is it looks like downloads do need a subclass in order to have the correct file security access. File access is not set in project security after Mendix 5. The steps of your micro flow should be similar to Create, Generate, Download.
Michael Schlosser
If I recall correctly this has been solved in one of the latest 6 versions. Have you tried upgrading?