Loss of data emailtemplate module after conversion

An mx 4.72 project has been converted to mx 5.15. The project contains the EmailTemplate module from the appstore. Converting the project to mx 5.15 is done by reimporting the modules from the appstore, so it overwrites the existing modules. Now, when running the project, the app generates a sql script that makes every attribute in all the entities from the module emailtemplate empty. The values of the system member fields are not cleared. The number of records per entities is ok after synchronising the script. So the script removes the content of the entity, not the records. I cannot add the sql script to this threat because of size and security. I have tried this with a local 4.72 project and converted this to 5.15. This test did not removed data after the conversion and the run. My question is know, what is the reason that the content of the records are made empty and moreover, how can I prefend this from happening?
2 answers

Perhaps this blog post by Bas is worth a read? I'm not sure exactly what's causing the database sync script to wipe out your data, but this post explains the process so you might be able to figure it out from there.


Due to merging branchlines into a branchline for the conversion, the SQL script was generated. The script contains a drop (and create) of almost 100 tables and some attributes. After consulting Mendix, we have decided to fix this on database level by analysing the SQL script and creating backup/restore scripts per table/attribute.

Bug or development issue is not 100% clear, don't do a conversion and (parallel) development at the same time.
