Entity access create

Hello, In my app, I have the following user roles: - Administrative Staff - Referrer - Patient Now, the administratice staff can add new patients. Now I want to have this same function, but now for the user role 'Refferer'. When I make the new button visible for the referrer only, I get the following runtime error when I click on the new button as the refferer: "Creating object of type MyFirstModule.Patient by user demoreferrer failed for security reasons: User 'demoreferrer' attempted to create an object of type 'MyFirstModule.Patient', but does not have the required permissions" When I set my security to prototype instead of production, the function does work. This implies my error has to do with entity access. However, my read/write/create/delete entity accesses regarding the entity ' Patient' and its generalization "Person" are exactly the same for the administrative staff and refferer user roles. They both have full access to everything. Can someone help me out?
2 answers

You should give the role 'Refferer' access to administer 'Patient'

Project Security -> User role -> Role -> Edit -> User management

Any chance you set up the demoreferrer user incorrectly? Perhaps that user does not have the Referrer user role like you expect.
