/* */ Entity Documentation

I like to add nice documentation. So for an entity I added the following documentation to do a quick WebAPI retrieve. /* to retrieve all rows */ mx.data.get({ xpath : "//blog.blogPost", callback : function(objs) { for(var i=0;i<objs.length;i++){ console.log("#############################"); console.log("title: "+objs[i].get("title")); console.log("author: "+objs[i].get("author")); console.log("date: "+objs[i].get("date")); console.log("content: "+objs[i].get("content")); console.log("keywords: "+objs[i].get("keywords")); } console.log("#############################"); } }); This results in an error because the proxies also include this comment, and the comment contains invalid character combinations for inside a comment, and then you get something like /* /* */ */ which cant compile. P.S. where do I log this type of feedback about the modeler
1 answers

You can submit a ticket with a tiny test project that contains a single entity with documentation containing the characters "*/". Then it will end up on the backlog of the correct team.
