New (S)FTP module issues

Since the contact the developer button did not work I will post it here in the hope that Paul Ketelaars will read this :) I have some issues with the new module and a feature request so I was wondering if the module was already on Github. I tried searching, but could not find it (anymore, as I seem to recall it appearing a couple of weeks ago). Issue one is when you import the module in a fresh project you get a lot of errors because the layouts can not be found (PopupLayout is now calles PopUpLayout for instance). And the feature request is about deleting files from the server. I use the system where files are coming into one directory and are being transferred to the 'done' directory where they will stay for a number of days. After that they will get deleted. Now to delete a file I have to download them first, not so efficient. Regards, Ronald
2 answers

For other users: The above issues have been fixed, and we added the functionality to delete files.


Hi Ronald,

I noticed the same with the Adminitstration module. In an Appcloud project, there is no Administration module, but a UserManagement module. That was fixed, but didn't look at the layout at that time.

I will do that now, I'll move the popup layout to the SFTP module. Deleting was something we had on our own roadmap as well, so you should see that coming fairly soon.

Weird is that the Contact the Developer button isn't working. Do you get a Mendix error? Or is there something wrong with my emailadress.. :)

Other than that: I'm fairly new at GitHub so I'll have to look into how to get it up there and how everything works.

Most importantly: Thanks for checking out the module, and your feedback! :)
