Rich text editor CSS not loaded correctly with 5.16
I have upgrade my project to 5.16, but now the rich text editor buttons are no longer visible. This is caused by the rich text editor css file not being correctly found, thus causing the glyphs used for the buttons not to appear. In the chrome debug tools I see that the widget is looking for the css in a folderpath with an appended ? and random number. Does this have something to do with the new cache busting or widget loading mechanise in 5.16? Can it be easily fixed in the widget?
Ralph Lenssen
2 answers
I have just edited the widget's java script file SimpleRichTextEditor.js
In line 157 and 503 to hard code the correct path to the widget: widgets/RichText/widget/styles/richtexteditor.css in stead of using the dojo.ModuleURL
Ralph Lenssen
Feedback from mendix regarding this issue:
The root cause of the issue is in the CKEditor widget. You can find an updated version of this widget in the App Store to overcome the problem in this particular widget.