Document Template

Lets say I have multiple document templates for each section of my document. Section 1 has a document template, section 2 has a different document template.. so on and so forth. Before generating the document I'd like to choose what sections would go in to the actual document and then click on the 'generate document' button. How do I achieve something like this? Is there a way to merge document templates? For example, I'd like section 1 and section 2 to be in the document and would like to avoid section 3.
2 answers

In the community commons module there is a piece of java code that allows you to merge pdf's. I suppose you can (via microflow logic) generate pdf's for section 1 and 2 but not 3 and then combine these using the pdf merger (assuming you are generating pdfs)


Use conditional formatting in your document template. Only drawback is that you have to create booleans to be able to show the different sections.


