The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large

When making a soap request, the response is The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large. I get this because the request contains an encoded document. the Google points me to IIS, but I have two configurations which are identical, A accepts the request, B, doesn't. When I make uploadReadAheadSize on IIS incredible big, the Mendix controle returns an error that starts with scala.MatchError: null                at com.mendix.integration.webservices.publish.handling.WebServiceCallBodyProcessor.getMendixObjectValue(WebServiceCallBodyProcessor.scala:170) Suggestions?
1 answers

Is it absolutely needed to send the document as an encoded string? Wouldn't it be wiser to let the caller download the document via a seperate http request? If needed I could help you implement a custom java action facilitate this from Mendix without the hassle of a login but still the security needed to only download the documents that you allow that user to download.
