Since the upgrade of the application to 5.16.1 our users with internet explorer 8 or lower get a blank page. I can recreate this issue by using the Internet explorer 11 developer tool and setting this tool to emulate 'document mode' 8 and internet explorer 8. Link to the site is here In the debug tool I see the error: [object Error]{description: "Expected identifier, string or number", message: "Expected identifier, string or number", name: "SyntaxError", number: -2146827260} Google tells me this is often caused by a incorrectly put comma in an array list. When looking at the mxui.js code I find in Line: 29, Column: 184226 a comma that seems misplaced. Is this something that I can fix, or is there another underlying problem?
Ralph Lenssen
1 answers
I have found out that when a widget which I had custom made was deleted, that the application would work again in the internet explorer 8 version. From the error log in the internet explorer tool I understood that the error was caused when creating a button. The javascript for this button contain a typo.
I do not fully understand why this was not an issue with 5.14.2. I have now sent a ticket to Mendix