Auto width in dcument template

In Document template, I am using Data view having two attribute. In a row, atrribute A is just besided attribute. But attribute A characters length dynamically changes . So I used custom css ,width:auto; I am getting below Info table-layout="fixed" and width="auto", but auto-layout not supported => assuming width="100%". (See position 22:316) Is it not possible to change the width as auto??
1 answers

No FOP which is the PDF generator or Apache poi which is used for Word/Excel generation in Mendix don't support this in the HTML context. It is possible to create auto width tables but then you would have to write your template in XML code and generate it directly accessing the libraries from Java.

You might however be able to use another solution where you create html code and then use a third party solution like Docraptor to convert HTML/CSS/JavaScript to PDF. Just by calling the REST api.
