Looking for Skilled Developer for In-App Reporting

We are looking for anyone with experience creating reporting capabilities within the Mx Platform. The ideal solution will allow: The user to configure the parameters at run-time Run a reports that allow drill down into details (from Data grids, template grids, and Graphs) Constrain Data by user specified criteria (and have interactive graphs update) Create PDFs / Word Documents with Graph images and data embedded The key point is that user needs to be able to query the data on their own / when they want rather than relying solely on predetermined MFs. Any guidance / help would be much appreciated.
2 answers

If you finish it put it in the appstore please :) BI tools are either to expensive (Qlik view, Cognos etc.) . And the problem most of the time is getting the data into the BI tool. Because most of the time if you want dynamic reports this is almost undoable inside Mx. You will need external BI tooling for that.

Since Mx5 we have OData that looks promising (the documentation about OData is sparse on de Mx side, I found recently a howto to integrate with tableau but are unable to find it currently). There are not much BI Tools that I know of that support this (look at this page for current producing and consuming systems. Jaspersoft AWS is affordable but again it is a real hassle to get the data into the AWS server because it does not support OData yet. Tableau looks like a nice tool, but I have not checked prices yet and the possibilities to integrate this with an iframe in Mendix.

Keep us posted on how you fare with this.




At Mansystems we developed a module using the FusionCharts widget from the Mendix AppStore. In this module we have 3 roles:

  1. Developers that define query parts (OQL snippets)
  2. Admins that define reports based on query parts
  3. Users that run reports, can export to Excel, can alter filters to select parameters

The graphical reports have a drill down. We use Fusion Charts commercial edition with both Fusion Charts and Power Charts modules.

From your list the only thing not supported at the moment is the generation of PDF/Word with graph images and data embedded. This is something on our wish list for the future.
