Create Excel file with variable collumns

We have the following request from one of our customers: We synchronize stock levels of several SKU's (Couple thousand) once per day. Currently in this process no data is saved, the stock's get overwritten every day. To get a better insight in their stock levels the customer wants to create a snapshot of the stock levels per day. He does now know yet exactly what he wants to do with this data, but we should start storing it for now. Ideally we would like to create some excel sheet from this data such that he can create some pivot tables in excel, and once we have figured out what we want to do with the data we can make some proper reporting within Mendix. Main goal: 1. Store daily stock levels 2. present this data in a way that excel can handle it, preferably like this: 1-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan SKU X 5 6 4 SKU Y 3 0 1 SKUZ 5 6 8 Any suggestions and/or tips on how to handle this situation?
4 answers

I would suggest you create your own export function with Java using the POI library. I've done it several times in the past for different clients. Start with the excel export module which can be downloaded from the app store. And continue from there.


Maybe you can use the pivot Table widget to present the data within the application.

Pivot Table widget has an export functionality e.g. csv


Use an external product/service like Aspose (



Why not use the ODate integration and let the client pivot the data with functionality in Excel?
