What is the best practise to do an user acceptancetest

What is the best practise to do an user acceptancetest of a new or changed application ? I assume, that the user will accept after he has seen the application running in the sandbox. However I cannot deploy the changes to the sandbox, before they are accepted and I don't want to use the production database. Shall I make a copy of the local application (incl. changes) and deploy the copied application (with a different name) to the sandbox ? Or is there a better way ?
1 answers

Only when using the sandbox you do not have an acceptance and production environment. So with only the sandbox you have two options:

  1. Create a backup from your sandbox, deploy the new model and do the test. You need to restore the backup after the test and then either deploy the new model or revert your changes made in the model.
  2. Download the database and do a local acceptance test on a local machine.


Both are not ideal, but I would probably go for the second option and take the change that the sandbox can be different.

For the ideal situation you would need a paid license, because then you can go the whole OTAP way.




You can reach the backups in the deploy tab and than the tab backup. But I noticed that you can not create a backup yourself. So that makes the second option even further the most logical scenario in my opinion.
