Split panes have been deprecated in Mx 5.18, how do I create a draggable divider?

The split pane containers have been deprecated in favor of the new scroll container. But I cannot find in the documentation how to create a draggable divider to get the same functionality as a split pane. I know that this does not fit very well in the responsive page approach but I would like to keep some of the existing stuff working like it was designed without deprecation warnings. I also noticed that a scroll container can only be placed in another scroll container or as main page element. I have split panes usually a little deeper in the page structure. Edit: I have been trying to use other components. One usecase is really easy with a vertical split: On the left, a treeview, on the right, details about the selected tree item. The right part may not scroll when scrolling the treeview. This can also be achieved using layouts but it is way more complicated. Will the split pane be available in Mendix 7?
3 answers

The split panes were deprecated a little too aggressively in 5.18. We will bring back the possibilty to create them.

However, the current thinking is that we do not want these widgets to be part of the base widget set in the next major version. We think they do not belong in modern interfaces.

Maybe the community can come up with a way to add draggable splitter to an existing container widget.


I guess that you could replace this with the responsive classes of bootstrap. Allthough that still wouldn't make your pane resizable. However it would make it fit for multiple situations.


I don't understand the depreciation of them. If you use flexible forms that adapt to the use of data the split panes are very useful. E.g. if you want to show an image in the left part or the right part depending on an eNum it will not be possible to resize the pictures. Please reconsider depreciation of it.
