Community edition > Free edition

Hi There, As stated in the blog regarding the new release the community editions would be traded in for the free edition. As I look to the time-line this should be done on August third. But how can I see if this has been done. When I look in Dev Portal > Nodes I still can't deploy an app. In stead I get the "Get subscription now" button.
2 answers

The release plan for the different components of the free edition can be found on this page: mendix dx release scheme

The free edition is an improvement of the sandbox environment. As of august 3rd you can use the Rest module, deep link module and anonymous users on sandboxes. Later we will also enable backups, monitoring, and live debugging on sandboxes, thus improving sandboxes for use for production applications. So if you want to deploy to a free edition, you need to deploy to a sandbox, same way as before.


Hi, where can we find the sandbox backups? Should be general available?
