Calling a Javascript Function on change of visibility

Hi I need to call a javascript function following a change of visibility on a container. The javascript function I want to call is a client side function outside of the mendix framework.  Any ideas how to do this? 
2 answers

For the visibility I'd use a (non-persistent) object and a boolean, this way you can use the default visibility of Mx.

For updating this boolean and calling this function I would either use the HTML snippet (for an easy function call) or build a small custom widget. See:


Andrew I think the issue you are having is that the javascript is not executing when the UI is updated. You can change this widget/code to update when the entity is refreshed. But a much better way is to do this based on a boolean being changed and the widget then executing when the boolean is set to true for instance. Take a look at the following widget, it will make certain fields editable or not based on a boolean. You could use the same technique as this widget but execute javascript function when a variable is true.


You can use the subscribe method in the client api to subscribe to an attribute change:


I hope this helps

