When starting a new deployment of my system in the acceptance envirnoment of a mendix hosted cloud slot, results in the following error: Error while publishing object: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.sun.xml.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 405: Not Allowed at IntegratorClient.FilterKnownObjects (CallWebservice : 'Call web service') at {"name":"IntegratorClient.BeforeCommit","type":"JavaAction"} at MxInbox.BCo_Message (JavaAction : 'BeforeCommit') at {"after":[],"before":[{},{}],"action":{"type":"CommitAction"},"type":"EventExtendedAction"} at MxInbox.NewMessage (Change : 'Change 'NewMessage' (title, message, messagetype, img, link, Message_Sender, Message_Receivers)') at LoftManagement.SendSprintrMessage (SubMicroflow : 'NewMessage') at LoftManagement.AfterRuntimeStartupActions (SubMicroflow : 'SendSprintrMessage') at LoftManagement.StartApplicationInternal (SubMicroflow : 'AfterRuntimeStartupActions') at LoftManagement.StartApplicationAPI (SubMicroflow : 'StartApplicationInternal') at LoftManagement.StartApplication (SubMicroflow : 'StartApplicationAPI') The error is issued in a popup window. Nothing is entered in the system log. The status of the system is marked Okay, but visiting the URL results in a 404. Does anybody have an idea what is going wrong and how to proceed?
Forgotten User hpgB5J2ns6
1 answers
This was an issue on our end last Thursday afternoon. It was resolved the same afternoon. Our apologies for the inconvenience.