calendar popup formatting when using bootswatch theme

I've tried a couple different themes from bootstrap. With all I've tried, the calendar datepicker popup is squished and hard to read and I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix this in the css. Can anyone provide any assistance with this? Thank you, Tracy
2 answers

The Mendix calendar is (as far as I know) not included in the Bootstrap themes. I have custom styles for the .dijitCalendar, which is the containing class for the calendar.


If you are using the bootswatch themes they should already have the styling added for the calendar. Which theme are you using and which version?

If you want to edit the calendar in the Mendix bootswatch version then you can look into the bootstrap.css file on this line:

If you want to download the themes individually then you can do so from here:

The themes should work with 5.12 and above.
