[Page Templates] Feedback Topic

With the release of the new [Mendix DX (5.18)] we, being the design team, have a request for you, our users. We would like to collect your feedback and comments to provide us with new ideas on how to improve our product! With the Mendix DX release we introduced a new feature, Page Templates. If you are not familiar yet with Page Templates you can find more info here. Goal: Provide us with feedback such as missing page templates and page template improvements We hope you’ll provide us with a lot of feedback so let us lay out a few rules that apply: This is not a place for bug fixes, please use the support portal for that. Do not downvote any feedback, we appreciate all your feedback Please don't post multiple ideas in one answer. This will make it harder to determine which are actually the best idea's. No custom widget requests Upvote the feedback that makes most sense, or that you agree with most Use the following layout to submit a new features in this thread: Short description Short motivation (mention business value, impact and urgency)
11 answers

I would like to have a login page template category.

Because right now there is no possibility to create a nice looking login page without custom widgets from the app store.


Add your own custom page templates for a project

The default page templates provided by Mendix allow you to quickly create pages. But you would also like to customize certain pages. At the moment, you would need to make the same customization each and every time for the same page template. If you would be able to create your own custom page templates based on a Mendix Page Template, within a project, that would even save you some more time.

A bonus would be: to be able to export/import or share these custom page templates via the App Store.


Template Grid functionality: missing placeholder design for "add" and "delete" buttons. This is clear when using the Template grid cards versions, which have a great looking design, but can't be used to also manage the cards.


Quick sync theme and deployment CSS

Quick sync function to sync deployment with the CSS in the theme folder. Or the other way around so that you can actually live edit the displayed CSS and save it quickly.


Notifications placeholder

This is probably a widget..

I would like to be able to set a notification placeholder in my layouts, this an invisible fixed list view overlay on desktop devices, and I would imagine this to be an expandable view on mobile devices hiding behind a button which has a counter for new notifications, which on native devices should set the notification counter too.

This placeholder listens to notifications from microflows and stacks them .

Each notification triggered in the microflow will be collected and shown there. Each notification should have the possibility of setting a closure timer for example I show a message for 5 seconds to my user and then it auto hides.

Click behavior for the notification (Default hide/close notification)

Or click action that puts the microflow that called the notification on hold, opens a blocking pop-up to perform an action. For example i could imagine a user creates a new message for another user, this user gets the notification, I display it, the user can click it and send a reply, and then can continue whatever he was doing after the pop-up closes.


Downsizing desktop

Personally I miss in the responsive designs, the resolution settings that trigger the columns to change on desktop. Currently you go from 4 columns directly to 1 column when going down a certain scale. Whereas I would expect the interface to change gradually.


These Page Templates can only be chosen for a new Mendix project, and apparently not for a project that has been updated to v.5.18.0. Is there a reason for this?


Theming for multiple clients making usage of the same system

Hosting multiple stylesheets for different clients and being able to select which styling a user gets after logging in to the application.

But preferably also be able to select which stylesheets to use per domain. For example:

https://client1.mymendixapplication.mendixcloud.com gets stylesheet1 https://client2.mymendixapplication.mendixcloud.com gets stylesheet2


Responsive navigation

Current navigations are not very good in responsive layouts, so we need one that re-scales and changes for tablet/mobile/desktop


CSS classes in mendix

For each element in the page be able to see which CSS classes are applied to it and inherited from parent elements. Not just the personal added CSS classes.


Default favicon/application icon for mobile devices visible in the theme folder

Just default icons in the theme folder so it is easier to replace and see what is needed for a complete application.
