Input Widget Rendering for 5.18+

Now that 5.18 has introduced the new pattern to generate input controls similar to how Bootstrap suggests creating them (see for more details), I am trying to create an input widget to have the same behavior. My issue is getting access to the DataView to know how to render the label correctly. I need to access both the Label width property and Form orientation property. Without those, the input control can't render like the existing controls.
2 answers

Can you use dijit.getEnclosingWidget to reach the parent data view widget? Perhaps loop on that until you find an enclosing data view?


In the Modeler you can set the form orientation and the label width on a DataView, but there is no widget in the client with knowledge about these properties. These properties only control how the Modeler exports certain CSS classes.

In a custom widget you can only retrieve the form orientation by verifying whether the "form-horizontal" CSS class is present on the DataView. As for the label width, it's exported on the label tag as the "col-sm-X" class (the label also has the "control-label" class).
