Exporting a database to an exelsheet

I want to export a database to an exelsheet, and I tried to use the Excel Exporter (https://world.mendix.com/display/howto50/Using+the+Excel+Exporter). However, right after downloading and installing the two appications (Excel Exporter & MxModelReflection) I have the following 5 errors in my error list: - Undefined layout 'Layouts.Dekstop.Layout' (no modele 'Layouts') - Undefined placeholder 'Layouts.Dekstop.Content' (no modele 'Layouts') - Undefined layout 'Layouts,PopupLayout' (no modele 'Layouts') - Undefined placeholder 'Layouts.PopupLayout.Content' (no modele 'Layouts') - Undefined image 'Layouts.Images.mendix' (no module 'Layouts'). The problem seems to be a module which isn't installed, while it should be.
1 answers


This is een issue with the layouts used in the modules you imported. To fix this double click the errors 1 by 1 and in the properties pane on the right side in the modeler change the layout to one of the available layouts in your modeler. I would also log a ticket with Mendix support so that the issue can be resolved permanently in the appstore modules.
