Why Is the context dataview entity mising in the render view microflow?

The View Change Microflow trigger of the calendar supplies you with information about the current view change (begin/enddate) through the Render view ((http://fullcalendar.io/docs/display/viewRender/)). When the calendar widget is placed inside a dataview (I use Dataview context), I would expect the Dataview object to be available within the View change microflow as well. Is there a way to achieve that?
2 answers

The problem with this is that we have to choose in advance which type of object a microflow can receive and we can only send it one object. I've made some changes to this though, so now it always sends the dataview object to the View Change microflow and uses the 'Reference to ViewRender entity' to link the ViewRender object to it. This way you have your dataview context and can just retrieve the ViewRender object from the reference to check the start/end values.

It should be in the App Store later this week.


Thanks a lot!
