Open a tab inside a page with a action button

Hey everyone! If got the following setup. A action button that shows a page when clicked on. the page has 3 tabs "own" "other" and "request" The page  opens in the "own" tab when I click on the action button. Is it possible to only set the action button to open the page but with the "request" tab open first. thnx everyone! grtz, Robert  
4 answers

Hi Robert,

If you double-click on the request tab, you can put the Default tab page to Yes.



Hey Thijs, thnx alot but that would mean that if someone navigates to that page it will always show the request tab first. I only want the request tab to show first if I go to it via the action button I build not if I browse to it in my interface. grtz Robert


Okay, I get what you want. You can do this as follows:

  • Create three snippits
  • Copy the content of your own, request and other tabpage into the snippet
  • In your page you now can make two tabs, both with the same tabpages own, request and other. Per tabpage, you configure the default tabpage. The can fill the tabpages with the snippets created earlier.
  • Based on a (new) boolean you decide to show which on of the tabpages (conditional visibility).
  • Now, create two buttons thats have both a change <object> and show page. In the change <object> you set the boolean value. The MF's you can call from how you want the tabpage behaviour to be. 

Good luck, Thijs


Have you considered using the Tab Switcher widget? If I recall correctly you can set it up to determine which tab to show through either a Datasource microflow or an attribute of an entity.
