Can I export my reports to excel or pdf file by clicking on ExportExcel or ExportToPdf button?

Hi, In my applicaton, I have reports generating from the filters using dropdowns. I want to export the reports to excel or pdf file on clicking a button. How can I approch this?  Below image is my screen shot of my reports. When I select the values from dropdowns and clicking on Generate report button, I am generating this report.Now I want to download this report by clicking a button called "Download"  in Excel sheet or PDF file.   Please help me.   Thanks & Regards, Venkat.
1 answers


If your data is in a Datagrid, you can add an Export to Excel button to the grid.  This will export the rows from the datagrid into an excel spreadsheet.  If you need something more than that, Excel Exporter from the App Store works well and offers robust capabilities.

Hope that helps,

