RestServices fails to compile in empty project of fresh 7.0.2 install

I noticed there are several issues allready on RestServices giving errors in 7.0.2 but they all are registered as answered/fixed. I just installed Mendix 7.0.2 and started an empty project with RestServices and CommunityCommons and I still get compile errors: Buildfile: C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile:     [javac] Compiling 72 source files to C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\javasource\restservices\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         RestServiceHandler.loadConfig(def, true, context);     [javac]                                                  ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable context     [javac]   location: class LoadService     [javac] C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\javasource\restservices\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         DataService.getServiceByDefinition(dataServiceDefinition).getChangeLogManager().rebuildChangeLog(context);     [javac]                                                                                                          ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable context     [javac]   location: class RebuildServiceIndex     [javac] Note: C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\javasource\restservices\util\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] 2 errors BUILD FAILED C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mendix\RestTest-main\deployment\build_core.xml:25: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 1 second
3 answers

I got the same problem on a new project in 7.0.2. What did the trick for me was download the previous version (Rest Services version 4.1.1) from the "All versions" tab in the app store. The project runs fine with vesion 4.1.1, when I update again to version 4.2 the same message as mentioned above shows up. 


Are you sure you are using the latest version of the REST services module? Try the latest version (released yesterday).




Thanks for reporting this. I just released a new version (4.2.1) that fixes this.
