Exposing the entity relationship tables through Odata?

Hi, Is it or will it be possible to expose the entity relationship tables through Odata? It would be great if you could select an entity relationship in the modeler and have "Expose as Odata resource" as an option. Currently it's not possible to expose many-to-many relationships through Odata. The solution is to have a third entity that defines the relationship between the objects from both original entities. This can be cumbersome to create and have functioning correctly (or I'm not a good enough developer, which is certainly the case). But Mendix already creates such a table in the database: EntityA_EntityB. Why not use it? I'm asking this because I'm setting up Tableau to use the data from our MX application.
2 answers

Exposing assocations as odata resources is not on our short term roadmap. Further out we will probably add support for relations between resources as defined in odata, but probably not by exposing associations as resources.


Hi - Has there been any progress on this - as surely the Odata access is pretty much null in void without the relationship element?
