Excel Importer + generalizations

How does Excel Importer deal with generlizations? I'm having trouble finding the right settings for the template and I can't seem to get it right. I want to import a large list of Dienstenpakket entities and directly associate them with their corresponding Servicepakket. Once I get this right, I can make a similar template for Servicepakket to Service. I haven't made a template for the easier entities that have no generalization.   (larger version: https://i.imgur.com/Oi8viCb.png )      
4 answers


My approach to this would be to import the spreadsheet as is into an entity that mirrors the columns in the spreadsheet.  When you do this import, create a new object for each row.  Then build a microflow that parses the data and populates the appropriate entities, attributes and associations from the entity you created for the spreadsheet rows.  This gives you much clearer visibility into how the entities are populated and let's you track which rows from your spreadsheet have been processed successfully and which ones have not.


Hope that helps,



When you click on a field you can set it to a Type Reference, and set Key to Yes, only for associated object for example.

Then you need to select the actual reference it is respondible for. In your case the asociation between Dienstenpakket and Servicepakket.


There is an issue with the importer with generalizations. The easiest workaround is to dump all the data into a placeholder entity and then create a microflow that you can use to push all the data to the correct entity.



In answer to your question, I have an app that imports Material information (raw materials for construction projects).  The entity looks like this:

And you can see the microflow used to process these records once they are imported with Excel importer via this model share.

Hope that helps,

