m2ee-tools / ValueError after starting m2ee on CentOS: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required

Hi all, I'm trying to get an application running on a CentOS linux server. m2ee tools and all other needed stuff is installed. When I start m2ee with my yaml config file I got a ValueError:   [dcemendix01] mendix /data/mendix/billing_test/.m2ee $ m2ee -c billing-test-m2ee.yaml Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/bin/m2ee", line 1064, in <module>     yolo_mode=options.yolo_mode,   File "/usr/bin/m2ee", line 51, in __init__     self.m2ee = M2EE(yamlfiles=yaml_files, load_default_files=False)   File "/usr/share/m2ee-tools/m2ee/core.py", line 28, in __init__     self.reload_config()   File "/usr/share/m2ee-tools/m2ee/core.py", line 40, in reload_config     config=self._initial_config['config'],   File "/usr/share/m2ee-tools/m2ee/config.py", line 72, in __init__     self._conf['mxruntime'] = self._merge_microflow_constants()   File "/usr/share/m2ee-tools/m2ee/config.py", line 182, in _merge_microflow_constants     merge_constants.update(yaml_mxruntime_mfconstants) ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required   Can anyone help here? Is that error related to the yaml file? Thx,  Michael
1 answers

Hi Michael, 

even your question is quite old, let me answer it, so others can find solution.


I was experiencing same error, the problem is when you define a microflow constance in YAML but syntax is not correct. In my case I forgot to put a space.

Module.Constant:value → Module.Constant: value
