Soap Webservice how to set, Set deafault HTTP Header Authorization
Hi, I am calling a webservice and I need to set the HTTP header: Authorization In a webservice call I am setting 2 custom headers: Authorization Checkheader (with value: custom is ok) When I intercept my webservice call with requestbin I see the following headers: HEADERS Checkheader: custom is ok Accept: text/xml, multipart/related Via: 1.1 vegur Cf-Ipcountry: NL Cf-Ray: 35593f86f1502bb2-AMS Host: X-Request-Id: b8567f15-ff0d-4f26-a208-1e9a7b19dfed Soapaction: "GetAuthenticationList" Total-Route-Time: 0 Accept-Encoding: gzip Cf-Visitor: {"scheme":"http"} Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Connect-Time: 1 Cf-Connecting-Ip: User-Agent: Metro/2.1 (branches/2.1-6728; 2011-02-03T14:14:58+0000) JAXWS-RI/2.2.3 JAXWS/2.2 Content-Length: 310 Connection: close Obviously the custom header is passed, but header authorization is filtered and not included in the headers. So my question is how do I set a standard HTTP header in a SOAP call
Friso Nijboer
1 answers
I have created a ticket for this, the response:
We chosen to follow (only basic and digest are allowed for authorization). We see that bearer tokens are used more nowadays though so we think we should allow our users to do this.