Hybrid app keeps loading and freezes

Hi all,   I'm been building a hybrid app, but the app keeps loading, and freezes when i use it on my phone. (through mendix developer app) Followed steps: - Deploy app (locally) - View Hybrid Mobile app  - Automatically sign in as demo user turned off - Use the barcode with the Mendix Developer App (on iPhone) - Using anonymous sign in, i'll log in using a local user account - Then when i select any navigation item, it will go to that page, and show the correct information, but the page than keeps showing the load bar and it feels like the app freezes.
1 answers

Here is the documentation about debugging hybrid apps: https://docs.mendix.com/howto6/debug-a-hybrid-mobile-application

And this is also handy https://people.apache.org/~pmuellr/weinre/docs/latest/



