Mendix Console : Start button actions ?

Hi, I want to know which commands are done behind the "start" button available in the Mendix Console 4.1 ? I ask the question because I cannot use this button : Situation 1 : I connect to the server with my user. A technical user is filled in "service configuration". I click on "start" button and then I have this exception message : "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it (1058)". Situation 2: I connect to the server with the technical user which is set in "service configuration" and I have no exception message. I can push "start" button. So my conclusion is that a security rule doesn't allow my user to "start". And to know it, I must know what is behind. Thank you
1 answers

I think the application's service is disabled for your user profile. See link below for steps to fix this

Click Here
