Using the treeview widget as a side menu, how can I display info or data in the context when an item is clicked?

Hi, In the Demo Project, this feature is implemented using the Form Loader Widget, which is not used any more. As per my understanding, I tried to implement the functionality using a snippet in which a data view displays the Current Object for all my parent and Child Elements of the Tree. I tried creating a Non- Persistent Entity and used it as a place holder to set association and current object that needs to be passed to the Data View. After all the trials, my page still keeps loading and i get a connector Error which says: Unable to Retrieve place Holder. Can some one guide me where I am going wrong? Thanks, Karthik S M
1 answers

Maybe the example below will help you figure out where it goes wrong..

Domain model: alt text

Page: alt text

DS Microflow: set association between Level0 and Helper alt text

Action: set association between Level1 and Helper alt text
