Signout for (navigation)-menus or as action in microflow

At the moment it is not possible to add a sign-out button in a (navigation)-menu. Or it is not possible to add an action like signout in a microflow. As a workarround I use a navigation-itemin a menu to open a page (popupload) containing a signout-button. Problem with this is that the page isn't opened as a popup (don't know why) but full page. Isn't there a better way / more options to include a signout option than only a button?
2 answers

For a signout button, you can use a Java action to perform the sign out, and use that in a microflow. There is a forum post about this at


I fixed by another workarround:

  1. Add a item to (navigation) menu
  2. Open a (new) microflow with the item
  3. Microflow retrieves User by Association
  4. Microflow opens a (new) Page with popup-layout
  5. Page shows a confirmation message and a Signout-button

No need for custom Java...
