Clearing data in acceptance

Hi,   We have an app in 'acceptance' in the mendix cloud. It has a variety of test data in it thats built up over a couple of weeks and id really like to wipe the app.   Is there a simple way to do this?   Christina
3 answers

Hi Christina,


You might want to build your own microflow to delete the test data. 

That's how I did it in my application.


Kind regards,



You can create a microflow (button) that retrieves all your test data and deletes it or a data grid with selection type Selection all and a select all button and delete button.


If you want a completely empty database, you could:

  • On your development machine, create an empty database
  • Point your project to the new database in the Modeler
  • Start the app in the Modeler (you'll get the Synchronize Database prompt in the Modeler, which will create all of the necessary Mendix database tables)
  • Stop your app in the Modeler
  • Backup the new database on your development machine
  • Upload the database backup to Acceptance

Bear in mind that this will get rid of everything - including users.  You will only have the MxAdmin user, unless you create users on your development instance before creating the backup.
