Popup detection blocker

Hi, When downloading a document in a microflow and 'Show file in browser instead of downloading, if possible' is checked, browsers with popup blocking enabled (specifically chrome) will block the document without visual indication. Is there any way of indicating that a popup has been blocked.   Thanks, Matt
2 answers

Hi Matthew,


It is possible to check that using a javascript function, for example: 

function detectPopupBlocker()
	var myTest = window.open("about:blank","","height=100,width=100");
	if (!myTest)
		document.write('<font color=red> Warning:</font> <font color=black>You need to disable your pop-up blocker before continuing. Please use the step-by-step guide. When you are finished refresh your browser to start the course.</font>');
		document.write('<font color=green> Congratulations: </font> <font color=black>Your pop-up blocker is disabled. Your browser has passed the pop-up window requirement. </font>');

This function will try to open a window using the window.open method and if that is not working, you will know that there is a popup blocker active. Else it will close the opened popup and you know there is no popup blocker active.

You can add this on the page before downloading the document in the microflow, and warn the users upfront. 

Kind regards,



Hi Matt,

Not without showing a dialog message initiated from the same microflow as you initiate the download of the document.
Perhaps an idea to add a better solution to the idea forum.


