Configure IIS to get the localhost:80

I have problems with IIS 7 at an on premise installation on Windows. My app is running on 8080. To configure IIS, first ARR is installed, proxy enabled. A new website is added, .mxf added, rewrite rule added. In the console, the runtime server port is set to public. When going to localhost, I get a blanco page. What can I do? This is the content of the web.config: <configuration> <system.webserver> <staticcontent> <mimemap fileextension=".mxf" mimetype="text/xml"/> </staticcontent> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="RewriteRule" stopprocessing="false"> <match url="(xas/|link/|file|ws/.*)"/> <action type="Rewrite" url="http://localhost:8080/{R:0}" logrewrittenurl="true"/> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webserver> </configuration>
1 answers

Are you following the Mendix how to on deploying Mendix on Windows?
