Acceptance of model-driven software

Hello Everybody, First of all, I'm new to this forum, so I'll give a short introduction about myself. My name is Merijn, I'm a 20 year old busy with graduating on his Bachelor's degree in business and IT at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. I'm currently working on my graduation project that tries to predict the acceptance of model-driven software.  In this context you can think about technology acceptance models such as the Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology or the Technology Acceptance Model. In my project I've adapted some of these models to fit the characteristics of model-driven software, and I'm curious if you, users and developers of the  perfect example of this kind of software, want to share your opinion in a survey I have set up. The results of the survey will lead to a better idea why someone should use model-driven software. Your opinion will show whether the proposed research model is the right fit for these type of software application. If you prefer a physical survey, I can send you a document with the questions in PDF. The survey can be found online by clicking on the following link:  This will take around five minutes and the results will be completely anonymised and just used for the purpose of the research.  If you have any questions about the research, feel free to show it in a comment. I'll do my best to answer them! Kind regards, Merijn
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