Versioned & unversioned builds BROKEN in Mx5.19

When doing an unversioned build of a Mendix 5.19 project, it seems to corrupt the Mendix project somehow. The first symptom is the gives a bunch of (package.class cannot be resolved to a type) errors: Then once you open those alleged unresolved classes, they seem to all have erroneous Enums. This however is not evident at once, you need to touch the file before it shows the errors: Then when you open the Enum (in this case Response Code), the file has no error. When you touch this file, the error in the preceding file that uses the enum disappears. So, to fix the problem, you have to go around and touch ALL the enum proxies before your problems go away. Running project, works fine, doing updates and check-ins work fine, as soon as you hit F7 and cancel to make an unversioned build, all hell breaks loose in the code. UPDATE: This also happens for versioned builds. I wouldn't mind making a versioned build, but TeamServer seems way too slow (single build takes an hour over a 1Meg line from Canada) Cleaning up the deployment folder didn't work. You need to manually go touch all your enum proxies before the project builds again. I'm guessing this is a Mendix 5.19 issue. The project was originally in Mendix 5.18.
1 answers

Hello Herman,

We're not able to reproduce this issue. Could you create a ticket for this (, and include the failing project? Then we'll investigate this further.

I understand that your project built without errors in version 5.18, so could you include that version of the project in the ticket? Hopefully that will enable us to reproduce the issue when we convert it to 5.19.


