How to change positions of buttons and images Dragged in the page?

Hi i am working on Modeler  6.8.1. i have dragged images and buttons in phone page. but unable to change the positions while dragging. and also i am unable to add image on image. how to set positions of the these components.  how to adjust the positions of the components and also i am unable to find the HTML docs in my project folder. i even tried to use scout to change color but did not find specific pages.  please help me. thank you,
1 answers

Styling in mendix is primarily done by using the correct layout, e.g. sidebar-full responsive and other mendix page elements, container and tables.
You can add custom css to alsmost any page element by right clicking and then navigating to the commons tab. Here you specifz custom style for the element as well as a custom class/es.

Hope this helps,
