Debugging white screen/page on Mendix cloud

Hi, I've deployed a package to a Mendix cloud (acceptance) environment. But it doesn't load the page correctly, it just shows a blank page. When I check the source I can see in the console that it's loading/loaded javacsript. It seems to be something in the widgets; I've tried debugging it by creating a branch line and removing the widgets that have changed since the last (working) deployment. But that didn't help either. When I run the app locally, with emulate cloud security I have no issues. I've cleared cache and everything from browser. Is there a better way to debug this? Any help is greatly appreciated. The console (F12) shows: In short: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' return eval(arguments[0]); Expanded version: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' anonymous()mxui.js...unction (regel 1) req.eval()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _90()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _33/_f5()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) req.getText()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _33()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _9()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _7b/<()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _38()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _7b()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _16()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _5e/_8b()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _11bd()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 29) UI/this.startup()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 29) _1135()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 29) _112f/this.startup/<.yes()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 29) _14bb()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 29) .cache["dojo/_base/xhr"]/</dojo._ioSetArgs/<()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _2d3()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _2d1()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/_base/Deferred"]/</dojo.Deferred/this.callback()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _2d3()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _2d1()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/_base/Deferred"]/</dojo.Deferred/this.callback()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/_base/xhr"]/</dojo.xhr/<()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f8()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f2()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f7/this.resolve()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2fe()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f8()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f2()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f7/this.resolve()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2fe()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f8()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f2()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f7/this.resolve()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2fe()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f8()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f2()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) .cache["dojo/Deferred"]/</_2f7/this.resolve()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _500()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) _50c()mxui.js...7110420 (regel 21) return eval(arguments[0]);
3 answers

After deleting all widgets one-by-one, I discovered it was caused by the Bootstrap Carousel See this issue on GitHub.

The question remains what would be a better way to debug these errors? Since deleting all widgets one by one is a time consuming exercise.


You could add the isDebug: true function to the dojoConfig in your index.html. This will give you more information about widget rendering.

dojoConfig = {
            baseUrl: "mxclientsystem/dojo/",
            cacheBust: "{{cachebust}}",
            rtlRedirect: "index-rtl.html",
            isDebug: true

When creating a Mendix Deployment Package (mda file) all custom widgets are bundled together. It might be that it doesn't play well with the Bootstrap Carousel widget you mentioned. In the Modeler there's an option to verify this, go to "Tools" and select "Check Widgets". That will give you more information about potential problems.
