Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property insertBefore of null

Hi, we recently converted our project from 6.10.3 to 7.5.1. Now ever since the conversion when attempting to login we get an error in the console :   Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null     at Function.undefined.f.injectUrl (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at te (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at c (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at mxui.js?636377007632872821:5     at Vt (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at ft (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at pt (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at f (mxui.js?636377007632872821:5)     at F (mxui.js?636377007632872821:15)     at mxui.js?636377007632872821:15 After some investigation I discovered that in mx 7 the function 'insertBefore' has been deprecated, however i do not know how to resolve this or even what widget is calling this out-dated javascript.   Has anyone experianced this issue, or knows how to fix it?
3 answers

Hi Ryan, 

I think you did this, but did you update all the widgets after converting the project to the newer Mendix version?


EDIT: Without knowing your project do you use a social media widget/javascript? Perhaps this is using the insertbefore method. 



did you resolve this? I'm getting similar errors:

mxui.js:5 TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined
    at Object._setDisabledAttr (mxui.js:15)
    at Object.r (mxui.js:5)
    at Object._setDisabledAttr (/widgets/widgets.js?636402218670648220:82477)
    at Object.r (mxui.js:5)
    at Object._setDisabledAttr (/widgets/widgets.js?636402218670648220:83709)
    at Object.set (mxui.js:10)
    at Object.attr (mxui.js:5)
    at Object.setSourceObject (/widgets/widgets.js?636402218670648220:81900)
    at Object.<anonymous> (mxui.js:5)
    at y (mxui.js:15)


They informed me later that it will be picked up sooner than 6 months.

This issue is causing a lot of bugs and costs me a lot of time..
