how can i see a saved data assigned for that particular user

guys i have created a job form in which i have 2 roles category pm1 and pm 2, and when i filled the form and check for a role pm1 and another job for pm2, after that when i logged in with pm1 the all job application is showing and same goes with pm2 , so i just wanted to know how can i see only pm1 data when i do login with pm1 .
3 answers

You could for example set access rules on entity level (in your domain model) with the use of an Xpath constraint.

But the method depends on what exactly you want to accomplish. It's unclear to me if you want the job applications to show up just for the user's own created job forms. Or if you want to have the job offers show up per category of users.

i.e. should a PM1 user see all the PM1 listings, or only his own PM1 listings?

Could you give us some more specifics to answer your question?


Yes Larn , I wanted to know that there are 2 user role i.e. PM1 and PM2 so , when i created the  job application for PM1 and save it, after that when i login with PM1 account to see the job application request assign for him only, that time all the job request is coming whether the job request is for PM1 or PM2 .

so, how i can see the PM1 job request only when i do log in and same with PM2. because this time it's showing all the job request for PM1 and PM2  i.e. same


If it should only be visible for the user whom created the job listing then you create a relation in your domain model between the Account entity and the job listing entity. And set this relation with the current user when you commit the job listing to the database.

Then when showing the list for the user you use an Xpath constraint in your Retrieve where you check the relation you set earlier for '[%CurrentUser%]'.

A 'cleaner' solution would be to set the check for the user via Xpath on the job listing's entity access rules found under the Access Rules tab when you double click on the job listing Entity.
