Incorrect regular expression in manual and system.

This isn't a question. But the reference manual for 2.5 says "If you miss something, please let us know through our forum so we can keep extending and improving the documentation." So that's I why I post it here. The 2.5 reference manual (and probably the system also, like in 2.4) uses the following regex for the Dutch zipcode: Expression: [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z] This is clearly wrong. The numeric part is >= 1000. So (as every Dutchman except apparently the Mendix staff knows) it should be: Expression: [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z] or (somewhat more cryptic, as befits a regex): Expression: [1-9][0-9]{3,3} ?[A-Za-z]{2,2} Warning if you use this regex: lower case characters should be upshifted before being put in the database. The best way is a before commit microflow, I think. From that point of view (and only that) there's something to say for disallowing lower case characters in the regex.
3 answers

Thanks for your feedback. I have updated the documentation of regular expressions.


There are no standard regular expressions in 2.5 anymore. But if you convert a 2.4 project they will be retained, of course.


It's not only in the documentation. It's one of the standard regex'es that came with 2.4 (as far as I remember, I changed it, so I can't check anymore). That's a clear bug that should be corrected also. Maybe also in 2.5?

