Audit History - Changed by column is not visible to roles other than Admin.

Hi, I have Audit History to track the changes made in the application and the Changed By Column to save the person name  who made changes. But unfortunately some of the roles in the system can't see the values in the 'Changed By' column. If I login as admin I can see the names in the 'Changed By' column but if I login as other role then 'Changed By' column shows me nothing in there. It wasn't happening before just a recent issue. Please advise. I have attached the example screen shot below.  
4 answers

See also the response in this topic:

Chances are that the userroles that try to view the grid are not allowed to 'manage' the userroles.

I quote: 

At project security level you need to set which other User Roles this User role is allowed to manage. If a certain user role is not ticked, the user attributes of users with this user role will not be visible to the user with this user role selected.


the interesting bit is that you state that this is something that used to be correct? Could you double-check to see whether the above mentioned solution is already in place?


Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your reply. But in the Project Security Level I have already selected 'All' in the User Management and it is not working.

Project Security> User roles> Role 'Admin'> User management > All


What data (entity and attribute name) does the column show? Check the access conditions of that entity: double-click the entity in the domain model, go to tab "Access rules" and check if the attribute is available for the user (with at least read access). If the entity inherits from another entity, make sure to do this check on both the specialized and the generalized entity.

If that's set correctly, then check if the user role (project role) is connected to the module role that has access to the attribute. Again, if inheritance is involved, do this check on all inheritance levels.


Thank you for your help guys.
