Page not getting displayed in Security.

Hi Team, In my project I am calling a page using url from the html snippet. It is working fine. But when I applied security to the project, I am unable to find that particular page in Security of the module. I came to know the reason is I am not calling the page directly. It is an unused page. So cannot apply security. So please help me out to solve this. Thanks, Sushuma
2 answers

Just put an Open Page button for that particular page on any other page (I think that one doesn't even need to be used itself).

regards, Fabian


Hi Sushuma,

If I am understanding you correctly, you now applied a small workaround to setup the security settings for your page. I would like to point out that you can setup the security from the page settings too. Right click on the page canvas and select your desired module roles in the 'Visible for' inputbox. In addition to that, you can flip the 'Mark as used' boolean to true. This is a more decent way of handling situations like this.

Hope it helps!

